Now, on the strength of their successes, they have created a range of aromatic oils and pure essential oils of excellent quality.
Goloka Seva Trust donates 100% of the proceeds to charitable activities such as
The Akshaya Patra Foundation
(meals for children in a state of poverty).
Education and training, including in the production of incense on a professional level for widows of
Vrindavan, who for reasons of religious fanaticism and local superstitions are marginalized.
Helping poor students with scholarships.
Goloka in addition guarantees:
No child labor during the entire production process.
No animal by-products nor abuse or testing.
Entirely natural products, including all packaging, which is entirely recyclable and eco-sustainable.
Vrindavan is the place where the deity Krishna is said to have grown. One of the holiest cities in India, Vrindavan is located in the Uttar Pradesh region.
According to the great epic Mahabharata, Krishna is said to have been born here in the nearby forest between Mathura and Vindravad.
More than 6,000 widows are said to live in Vrindavan from both the surrounding countryside and the capital and other places, often following in the footsteps of master Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Some come on pilgrimage to dedicate the last years of their lives to the service of Radha / Krishna, but many others come here to escape the brutal fate often reserved for Indian widows.
Today widows in India no longer sacrifice themselves on their husbands' funeral pyres, as was the case in the past.
The sati, a ceremony that saw the widows burned alive next to their deceased husband, was abolished by the British as early as 1829, but there continued to be many cases that escaped the authorities.
Until in 1987 the Indian government enacted the Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 which punishes with the death penalty or life imprisonment those who inflict, support or force someone to commit sati.
In the poorest areas, widows are considered to be the bearers of bad luck and death.
Surviving the stake, however, does not mean having saved one's life, the Hindu religion wants widows to live modestly, dressed in white, shaving their heads and abandoning any habit, even sweet or spicy foods are forbidden.
Their presence is not welcome in their villages of origin and their families themselves. In the poorest areas, in addition to the economic burden, widows are considered to be the bearers of bad luck and death, sometimes held responsible for the death of their spouses and removed from home, thus forced to live in hardship.
Widows, in most rural areas, are not entitled to their husband's inheritance or to any form of subsidy.
GENJIKO S.R.L. P.IVA e C.F. e C.C.I.A.A. 02584250035
Reg. Impr. di VERBANIA - REA n.VB 206638
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