These incense holders are specially designed for resin incenses, which are burned, in fact, on charcoals, obviously putting sand inside for three quarters, can also be used for incense in stick and cone format.
Let's start with important information, which you won't find elsewhere.
The resin incense should not be burned directly on the charcoal if you do not want to produce a lot of smoke and make it burn quickly, a work that is desired, however, in purification rituals and the like.
To better appreciate the aromatic notes without emitting too much smoke and with a slower combustion and therefore with a lower consumption of resin, it is not necessary to take any science fiction equipment, nor to try to play shangai with the resins to balance them on the charcoal. hot, in strange places, like at the edges ... Just put a little salt on the charcoal :)
Second information, this widespread, in incense holders for charcoals it is useful to put sand, fill it up to three quarters, this prevents overheating of the incense holder and also allows it not to damage it.
There are also some nets that are sold some with a three foot, which are placed over the lit charcoal, inside the incense holder and then the resins are placed on top, this method also slows down the burning of the incense a little, but above all it avoids unpleasant odors, because the resin does not burn but dissolves gradually.
According to our personal experience we notice that there are resins that dissolve faster than others and become liquid very quickly, in this case the retina is of little use and to appreciate them to the fullest, salt is the optimal solution.
the maximum effect is obtained by combining the two methods, a little salt on the charcoal when it is well lit and completely hot, then, above the retina and the resins placed on it, in this way, again according to our experiences, we have noticed that resins that were very strong and that we didn't love that much, delicately released all their aromatic notes, making them really very pleasant.